Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sharing the Road

I'm not sure if you have been following the "Road Rage" trial in Los Angeles, but if not, here is a good recap on velonews:

Pretty disturbing incident, but it makes me think about the situation of riding on roads in general. I will admit I get mad at drivers often and unfortunately sometimes start yelling, but I don't think that is the right thing to do. I realize my actions reflect on all cyclist to the majority or drivers. I try to foster a positive interaction if possible, so I try to smile and wave when I get a drivers attention. Mostly I just don't want to be hit and ride safely to avoid confrontation. I realize that in any situation that potentially escalates to violence physics wouldn't be on my side. 2 ton car vs. 175 lb me is not a fight I plan on engaging in if possible. I just try to remember to stay calm and ride respectfully when a car cuts me off or veers close because the driver isn't paying attention. I do get mad, but also try to not make the situation worse.

I find that most people don't want to hurt anyone and feel pretty bad when they endanger you when they don't mean too. If you start yelling they feel threatened and feel like they need to defend their actions, but if you don't yell, but indicate that they could have hurt you, then tend to feel bad and apologize. That is a better outcome than both of you leaving angry and mad about the other person. If you can get through to the other person and let them know that you felt threatened and could have been hurt they driver usually backs down, but if I start yelling it just makes it worse. It is hard in the heat of the moment, but like I said, I try to remain calm. It is tough, but we need to share the road to avoid any problems. Nothing wrong with being a good citizen to your fellow man. My point is, don't make it worse for yourself and potentially others by indulging the feeling of anger. It is safer to stay calm and better for you in the long run.

Be safe out there.

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