Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IMBA what its all about

Doesn't that picture just saw it all? Amazing what a little bit of mud on an otherwise dry ride will do. A 5 foot patch of mud turned my IMBA sticker all brown and muddy. That's cool though, it probably actually looks better. IMBA helps ensure we all have a place to go out and ride and love our mountain bikes. If you aren't a member, you should check out their website www.imba.com and seriously consider joining. You get a cool pair of socks and help make sure you still have a great place to ride. LONG LIVE LONG RIDES!


  1. Colby!
    Hey man, after seeing you at the 'El Tour' convention I had to look you up and see how things were going. Whats new? Hows work on the base?
    Talk to you soon
    Gerry Blondeaux.

  2. oddwon1@hotmail.com is my email.
